Nature Journaling
Traditionally nature journaling is the practice of observing and documenting the world through writing, drawing and other creative forms. Our nature journaling is even more immersive by adding a forest bathing and mindful approach.
Our sessions follow the format of a forest bathing session starting with breathwork and grounding exercises, followed by a variety of invitations designed for participants to get a deeper understanding of their environment, the seasons and themselves. Our immersive experience involves all of the senses, with participants learning how to translate what they are experiencing onto the page.We explore how nature and the seasonal changes make us feel, thus increasing our self-awareness and ability to listen to our minds, body and spirit.
Looking at the history and folklore attached to the session site and seasons exploring the ways of our ancestors and the sense of grounding this can give.
Our sessions explore the links between nature and creativity making our own art and writing materials, we press flowers, create page markers and journal adornments all from natural finds. We study one season at a time creating a nature journal for each one. That builds into a unique and innovative resource. Over the year you will have learned more than 60 invitations that can be repeated again and again.
Nature journaling has many benefits for both mental and physical health, as well as for fostering a deeper connection to the natural world. For example
Stress relief: Nature journaling can provide a calming and meditative experience, helping to reduce stress and anxiety.
Increased creativity: The act of observing and documenting nature can inspire creativity and provide a rich source of inspiration.
Improved observation skills: Nature journaling can help to sharpen observation skills, as well as develop a deeper understanding of the natural world.
Greater appreciation for nature: By spending time observing and documenting nature, individuals can develop a greater appreciation for the beauty and complexity of the natural world.
Personal growth and self-discovery: Nature journaling can be a form of self-expression and self-discovery, helping individuals to explore their own thoughts, emotions, and beliefs.
Overall, nature journaling is a wonderful way to connect with nature, improve one's mental and physical health, and foster personal growth and creativity.
My nature journaling sessions are 3 hours long in nature rich bio diverse settings.
One session introduces you to the practice of nature journaling but ideally several sessions spread throughout a year will benefit you the most. Nature journaling is a gentle, enjoyable & immersive activity that will encourage you to want to be outside even on those rough days.
I can offer these sessions on a 1:1 or small group basis (maximum of 8 attendees). You can see our up coming events here.
If you have a green space and would like me to run nature journaling sessions or to find out more please contact me & check out our Inspiration Gallery.